Frequently Asked Questions
What does the county require me to do?
You will need to apply for a building permit in order to break ground on your project. KGM is here to help with assisting you through the permitting process, something we have years of experience with.
Where do I get a permit application?
You can go to the County website or physically go into the County Planning and Building department. If you are working with KGM, we keep all of the necessary paperwork on file at our office Located at 1508 Mill St. in San Luis Obispo. If you are not building in San Luis Obispo County, KGM has had experience building in many other counties throughout California, including, but not limited to Kern, Kings, Lassen, Monterey, Plumas, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and Ventura.
How long does it take for the county to approve my plans?
It is important to get your plans into the county well before you plan to begin your project. Generally, it takes four to six weeks for your plans to completely cycle through all phases of the county. Following this process we may have to address and correct any revisions that are required. After the revisions are corrected, you will resubmit the plans. Revisions tend to make it through the process faster than the initial submission.
What type of fees will I encounter from the county?
There will be administrative fees included when you obtain your permit. There will also be school fees that are determined by your project type and project size. The other fees will also vary based on your individual project. Each individual building will require a fee based on its characteristics. For example, a building that is defined as habitable (house or guest quarters) by the county will have higher fees than one that is uninhabitable (barn or agriculture building). If you're obtaining a permit for a commercial project fees may be larger than the simple single family residence. The most simple answer to this question is that fees will be completely based on your individual project.
How accurate are construction bids?
KGM Construction bids are accurate and detail oriented. We break down the bid into line items, rather than giving you one number. It's important for you to know where you are spending your money. You will also be able to see where you can save money on one part of the project and possibly spend it on another item. The bid will include everything from pad development to rain gutters. Feel free to contact us today for a bid on your project and let us help you understand the expenses.
When can I break ground on my project?
As soon as the plans have been approved and the building permit is active the project may begin.
How long will it take for my project to be completed?
Every project is different, but with KGM you can rest assured knowing that organization and communication is our priority. We will always make sure you do not encounter any costly delays. We will establish a project schedule with you and the timeline will include where we need to be by specific dates.